Honorable Kathy Hochul Governor of New York The State Capitol Albany, NY 12224
Dear Governor Hochul:
My name is __________. I live at __________. I write today because ________________.
I am concerned that inadequately remediated toxic hazards at _____ threaten my health and well-being because your administration has failed to require this site to be cleaned up in strict compliance with the State mandate to restore Brownfields and other toxic sites to "pre-disposal conditions, to the extent feasible" pursuant to 6 NYCRR (New York Codes, Rules and Regulations) PART 375-2.8 (a).
With that goal in mind, I respectfully request that my home be urgently tested without charge for Soil Vapor Intrusion involving Trichloroethylene, Tetrachloroethylene and other volatile organic chemicals.
I am a signatory to a coalition letter which requests that all all homes, schools, businesses and other structures within a minimum of 1,000 feet of each and every Brownfield and Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Site in New York be investigated for a wide range of toxic chemicals. The investigation must be completed within two years and all costs must be borne by responsible parties, not New York State taxpayers.
The letter also requests that all Brownfields and other toxic sites be comprehensively remediated in strict compliance with the above-referenced State cleanup mandate in order to help prevent Parkinson's disease in New York.
I look forward to your prompt reply to my respectful request.
Thank you for your consideration.
Very truly yours,
Name: __________
cc: Hon. James V. McDonald M.D. Hon. Sean Mahar
Below is the beginning text of the: Coalition Letter Request That Governor Hochul Help Prevent Parkinson's disease in New York By Remediating All Trichloroethylene (TCE) Environmental Health Hazards In Strict Compliance With Comprehensive State Cleanup Requirements
We, the undersigned, write respectfully to request that you take immediate action to help prevent Parkinson's disease in New York by remediating all Trichloroethylene (TCE) toxic sites in strict compliance with comprehensive cleanup requirements pursuant to Article 27, Title 14 of the Environmental Conservation Law and other State regulatory standards.
We specifically ask you to enforce the State mandate to restore contaminated sites to "pre-disposal conditions, to the extent feasible" pursuant to 6 NYCRR (New York Codes, Rules and Regulations) PART 375-2.8 (a).
As documented below, your administration's failure to enforce these strict toxic remediation requirements is imperiling public health as New Yorkers become afflicted with deadly diseases that are potentially preventable, notably Parkinson's.
TCE is Scientifically Documented to be Causally-Associated With Up to a 500% Increase in Parkinson's Risk
For more than a century TCE was widely used as a degreasing agent, chemical intermediate and ingredient in hundreds of consumer products. As a result, TCE is a virtually ubiquitous environmental contaminant all over New York.
See: Trichloroethylene
Parkinson's was long thought to be idiopathic, or associated with unknown causes, but TCE is documented in the scientific literature to be causally associated with up to a 500% increase in Parkinson's risk. This incurable and debilitating ailment is America's fastest growing neurodegenerative malady.
More than 21,000 New Yorkers died of Parkinson's in the last 20 years. This terrible toll is very likely due, at least in part, to New York's failure to eliminate statewide TCE air, land and water pollution hazards.
See: Trichloroethylene/Parkinson's Epidemiological Findings and NYS Parkinson's Mortality Data
Request That You Prevent Parkinson's in New York By Strictly Enforcing TCE Environmental Cleanup Requirements
Since Parkinson's has no cure, it is imperative to prevent TCE environmental exposures to help make sure New Yorkers do not become afflicted with the ailment. The logic of this novel strategy is irrefutable, but this critical public health protection policy has never been comprehensively implemented anywhere in the nation.
As New York's Chief Executive, you have a duty to safeguard our state's public health and environment by strictly enforcing all toxic cleanup requirements. Yet, your Departments of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and Health (DOH) have failed for decades to clean up contaminated TCE sites that cause Soil Vapor Intrusion (SVI) indoor air quality hazards, imperil critical drinking water supply sources and pollute every major community in our state. We request that you resolve this problem without further delay.
Click this link to view the rest of the text of the: Coalition Letter Request That Governor Hochul Help Prevent Parkinson's disease in New York By Remediating All Trichloroethylene (TCE) Environmental Health Hazards In Strict Compliance With Comprehensive State Cleanup Requirements